The Rules of Publication

General Principles
1- The Journal of International Education Science is a peer-reviewed journal and published 4 times a year. When necessary, it can be also published as special publicatıons and extra-publications apart from these publications.
2- The Journal of International Education Science is an academic journal that publishes studies such as presentation articles, translations, interviews, scientific articles about all branches of education sciences.
3-That scientific articles, interviews, translations, and presentation articles are added to the journal system and are accepted as an application for publishing the article, and the article is sent to peer-reviewed journals.
4-All the copyrights of the articles sent to The Journal of International Education Science belongs to the journals, and it can't be published in another journal copied or used without showing as a source without getting a permit from The Journal of International Education Science.
5-The publication language of The Journal of International Education Science is Turkish and English. On the other hand, if necessary, the article can be accepted in other languages.
6-There must be at least 100 vocabulary Turkish (summary) and English (abstract), 5 vocabularies Turkish (keywords), and English (keywords). There must be Turkish and English titles. The articles which don't fulfill these conditions are not published even if they completed their peer-reviewed duration.
7-Because the articles sent to The Journal of International Education Science are going to be in the process of the referee, there mustn't decipher knowledge of the identification or the name of the author in the articles added to the system. After completed the duration of the article's peer-reviewed, it will be added in the information about the author or authors.
8-After the article is stored in the system by the author, the processes below have occurred. The loaded article has been checked about the rules of publishing and spelling by the editor or the assistant of the editor. After the editor has completed the approval, the article has been directed to the writing referee. Three referees have been appointed for every article having been confirmed. One of these referees is the language summary referee. The other two referees consist of professional academics in their branches. The author must check the duration of the referee of his own article from his main page.
9-After the articles are sent from the personal page in The Journal of International Education Science through the e-mail and password, the referee duration of the articles can be followed from the same page. After this stage, it must have waited for the reports come to do the correction. Because the author can add only one correction.
10-The articles added to the system of the journal mustn't be published in another place. The symposium report can be published with the expression of the situation in the article.
11-The work referred under the title of REFERENCES at the end of the article must be organized by the way in the order of the author's surname, the author's surname is in the capital author's name is in small letter.
12-When you want to a member of The Journal of International Education Science as an author or a referee, all information required must be filled completely. The work and interests of the author/referee in the title of the autobiography must be put in order. In the title of the main branch first, the main branch must be written and then the branch must be written. Ex: Management/management an organization; Turkish language and literature/new Turkish language
13-Writing must be organized just like measures below while they are added to the journal system.

1-Writings must be written in the Microsoft Word program and pages must be organized like below. FORMAT A4 Vertical Top margin 3 cm Bottom margin 3 cm Left margin 3 cm Right margin 3 cm. Font Palatino Linotype. Font style normal. Writing and gap size of 12 Size (footnote text). Paragraph spacing first 6 nk-then 0 nk paragraph indent 1,15 cm line spacing only (1)
2-In the writings used a special font which isn't in the Microsoft Word Programme, font style which is used must be added while the article is added to the system.
3-There are not be details such as page number, header, and footer in the articles.
4-In terms of spelling and punctuation, except when the article or the topic is compulsory, the Turkish Language Institute spelling guide must be taken essentially.
5-In the referred system done in the articles, one of the APA system can be performed. But there must be a source at the end of every article.